We live in a VUCA world

Resilience is an increasingly important skill to have in today’s rapidly changing environment.


We are living in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world where every now and then we do keep on experiencing some change or the other. As the speed of this change accelerates, we will need to build resilience, increase our mental fitness and emotional strength which will enable us to advance despite adversity.

02. Our resilience & well-being programs help you with:

  • Build confidence
  • Turn change into opportunity
  • Gain personal insight
  • Build stronger relationships
  • Bring goals into reach
  • Connect with meaning

Our Offers

Our Resilience and Wellbeing interventions.

Resilience First Aid Certification

2 days mental health certification to learn critical skills to proactively support & respond to the mental health needs of other people. They become RFA Responders in your organisation.

Resilience Workshops & journeys

.Our workshops are customized, interactive & engaging and are conducted in person / virtual formats to support individuals, teams and leaders. 

Building a Culture of Resilience

We support organisations in building a culture of mental health and well-being by conducting baseline assessments, creating first aid responders, engaging & interactive workshops and resilience coaching.

The SMART Program

The SMART Program is designed to help participants build resilience & manage stress by becoming more self-aware, focused and emotionally intelligent through a deeper understanding of the mind body connection & daily micro practices which help build resilience.

Resilience Coaching

Resilience Coaching is a collaborative process where we partner with our clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential leading to insights which supports them in designing their own actionable and sustainable strategies to build their resilience.

Lifestyle Management

Become healthier and stay healthier by making small, meaningful lifestyle changes that you can maintain over time. We’ll help you get there.

Get Started Today !




E-1401, RNA Grande, MG Road, Kandivali West, Mumbai 400067


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