Experiencing Fatigue …. Try RUM

Uplifting emotions is the U in the RUM acronym which Dr Sood says helps in reducing fatigue. Some examples of such emotions could be expressing gratitude, reading something which is inspiring, meeting close friends, watching some inspiring videos or maybe doing a random act of kindness. R stands for Rest and every 90-120 mins we should take a short break, get some rest and then restart work. M stands for Motivation where we need to remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. REST mixed with UPLIFTING EMOTIONS and MOTIVATION can do wonders for us in just a few minutes.

I encourage you to sprinkle RUM at regular intervals during your busy day…… you will feel re-energized again and this energy in turn will help you become more resilient!

Do share what emotions uplifts you when you experience fatigue?

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]And in spite of that, most of the times, we still push ourselves and keep on working. Hence naturally by evening, we are exhausted. But the moment we experience an UPLIFTING EMOTION, we are re-energized and suddenly the fatigue is gone. Like when my daughter sees her 10-month old son, her fatigue disappears and she is re-energized.

Uplifting emotions is the U in the RUM acronym which Dr Sood says helps in reducing fatigue. Some examples of such emotions could be expressing gratitude, reading something which is inspiring, meeting close friends, watching some inspiring videos or maybe doing a random act of kindness. R stands for Rest and every 90-120 mins we should take a short break, get some rest and then restart work. M stands for Motivation where we need to remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. REST mixed with UPLIFTING EMOTIONS and MOTIVATION can do wonders for us in just a few minutes.

I encourage you to sprinkle RUM at regular intervals during your busy day…… you will feel re-energized again and this energy in turn will help you become more resilient!

Do share what emotions uplifts you when you experience fatigue?

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]Dr Sood from Mayo clinic explains that when we do work which requires us to focus, our brain starts experiencing fatigue in 30 mins and is exhausted in about 90-120 mins. The consequence of brain fatigue could be a drop in our performance and while our engagement and accuracy goes down, our reaction time and mistakes go up! There is a risk of accidents and our relationships may also be affected.

And in spite of that, most of the times, we still push ourselves and keep on working. Hence naturally by evening, we are exhausted. But the moment we experience an UPLIFTING EMOTION, we are re-energized and suddenly the fatigue is gone. Like when my daughter sees her 10-month old son, her fatigue disappears and she is re-energized.

Uplifting emotions is the U in the RUM acronym which Dr Sood says helps in reducing fatigue. Some examples of such emotions could be expressing gratitude, reading something which is inspiring, meeting close friends, watching some inspiring videos or maybe doing a random act of kindness. R stands for Rest and every 90-120 mins we should take a short break, get some rest and then restart work. M stands for Motivation where we need to remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. REST mixed with UPLIFTING EMOTIONS and MOTIVATION can do wonders for us in just a few minutes.

I encourage you to sprinkle RUM at regular intervals during your busy day…… you will feel re-energized again and this energy in turn will help you become more resilient!

Do share what emotions uplifts you when you experience fatigue?

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]Please note that in this article, we are not referring to fatigue which may be caused due to various medical reasons, we are simply referring to mental fatigue which most of us experience frequently.

Dr Sood from Mayo clinic explains that when we do work which requires us to focus, our brain starts experiencing fatigue in 30 mins and is exhausted in about 90-120 mins. The consequence of brain fatigue could be a drop in our performance and while our engagement and accuracy goes down, our reaction time and mistakes go up! There is a risk of accidents and our relationships may also be affected.

And in spite of that, most of the times, we still push ourselves and keep on working. Hence naturally by evening, we are exhausted. But the moment we experience an UPLIFTING EMOTION, we are re-energized and suddenly the fatigue is gone. Like when my daughter sees her 10-month old son, her fatigue disappears and she is re-energized.

Uplifting emotions is the U in the RUM acronym which Dr Sood says helps in reducing fatigue. Some examples of such emotions could be expressing gratitude, reading something which is inspiring, meeting close friends, watching some inspiring videos or maybe doing a random act of kindness. R stands for Rest and every 90-120 mins we should take a short break, get some rest and then restart work. M stands for Motivation where we need to remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. REST mixed with UPLIFTING EMOTIONS and MOTIVATION can do wonders for us in just a few minutes.

I encourage you to sprinkle RUM at regular intervals during your busy day…… you will feel re-energized again and this energy in turn will help you become more resilient!

Do share what emotions uplifts you when you experience fatigue?

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]So what brings about this transformation from experiencing fatigue to energy?

Please note that in this article, we are not referring to fatigue which may be caused due to various medical reasons, we are simply referring to mental fatigue which most of us experience frequently.

Dr Sood from Mayo clinic explains that when we do work which requires us to focus, our brain starts experiencing fatigue in 30 mins and is exhausted in about 90-120 mins. The consequence of brain fatigue could be a drop in our performance and while our engagement and accuracy goes down, our reaction time and mistakes go up! There is a risk of accidents and our relationships may also be affected.

And in spite of that, most of the times, we still push ourselves and keep on working. Hence naturally by evening, we are exhausted. But the moment we experience an UPLIFTING EMOTION, we are re-energized and suddenly the fatigue is gone. Like when my daughter sees her 10-month old son, her fatigue disappears and she is re-energized.

Uplifting emotions is the U in the RUM acronym which Dr Sood says helps in reducing fatigue. Some examples of such emotions could be expressing gratitude, reading something which is inspiring, meeting close friends, watching some inspiring videos or maybe doing a random act of kindness. R stands for Rest and every 90-120 mins we should take a short break, get some rest and then restart work. M stands for Motivation where we need to remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. REST mixed with UPLIFTING EMOTIONS and MOTIVATION can do wonders for us in just a few minutes.

I encourage you to sprinkle RUM at regular intervals during your busy day…… you will feel re-energized again and this energy in turn will help you become more resilient!

Do share what emotions uplifts you when you experience fatigue?

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]My daughter is a physiotherapist. She leaves home at about 9.30 am, treats patients throughout the day and returns back home by 5.30 pm every day. During her physiotherapy sessions, she is completely focused, is actively involved with her patients and by the time she finishes with the last patient and reaches home, she is exhausted. But every day, as soon as she enters the house and sees the excitement on the face of her 10-month-old son on seeing her, all her exhaustion is gone and she is full of energy till she puts him to sleep.

So what brings about this transformation from experiencing fatigue to energy?

Please note that in this article, we are not referring to fatigue which may be caused due to various medical reasons, we are simply referring to mental fatigue which most of us experience frequently.

Dr Sood from Mayo clinic explains that when we do work which requires us to focus, our brain starts experiencing fatigue in 30 mins and is exhausted in about 90-120 mins. The consequence of brain fatigue could be a drop in our performance and while our engagement and accuracy goes down, our reaction time and mistakes go up! There is a risk of accidents and our relationships may also be affected.

And in spite of that, most of the times, we still push ourselves and keep on working. Hence naturally by evening, we are exhausted. But the moment we experience an UPLIFTING EMOTION, we are re-energized and suddenly the fatigue is gone. Like when my daughter sees her 10-month old son, her fatigue disappears and she is re-energized.

Uplifting emotions is the U in the RUM acronym which Dr Sood says helps in reducing fatigue. Some examples of such emotions could be expressing gratitude, reading something which is inspiring, meeting close friends, watching some inspiring videos or maybe doing a random act of kindness. R stands for Rest and every 90-120 mins we should take a short break, get some rest and then restart work. M stands for Motivation where we need to remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. REST mixed with UPLIFTING EMOTIONS and MOTIVATION can do wonders for us in just a few minutes.

I encourage you to sprinkle RUM at regular intervals during your busy day…… you will feel re-energized again and this energy in turn will help you become more resilient!

Do share what emotions uplifts you when you experience fatigue?

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]RUM? How can RUM reduce fatigue? Let me explain

My daughter is a physiotherapist. She leaves home at about 9.30 am, treats patients throughout the day and returns back home by 5.30 pm every day. During her physiotherapy sessions, she is completely focused, is actively involved with her patients and by the time she finishes with the last patient and reaches home, she is exhausted. But every day, as soon as she enters the house and sees the excitement on the face of her 10-month-old son on seeing her, all her exhaustion is gone and she is full of energy till she puts him to sleep.

So what brings about this transformation from experiencing fatigue to energy?

Please note that in this article, we are not referring to fatigue which may be caused due to various medical reasons, we are simply referring to mental fatigue which most of us experience frequently.

Dr Sood from Mayo clinic explains that when we do work which requires us to focus, our brain starts experiencing fatigue in 30 mins and is exhausted in about 90-120 mins. The consequence of brain fatigue could be a drop in our performance and while our engagement and accuracy goes down, our reaction time and mistakes go up! There is a risk of accidents and our relationships may also be affected.

And in spite of that, most of the times, we still push ourselves and keep on working. Hence naturally by evening, we are exhausted. But the moment we experience an UPLIFTING EMOTION, we are re-energized and suddenly the fatigue is gone. Like when my daughter sees her 10-month old son, her fatigue disappears and she is re-energized.

Uplifting emotions is the U in the RUM acronym which Dr Sood says helps in reducing fatigue. Some examples of such emotions could be expressing gratitude, reading something which is inspiring, meeting close friends, watching some inspiring videos or maybe doing a random act of kindness. R stands for Rest and every 90-120 mins we should take a short break, get some rest and then restart work. M stands for Motivation where we need to remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. REST mixed with UPLIFTING EMOTIONS and MOTIVATION can do wonders for us in just a few minutes.

I encourage you to sprinkle RUM at regular intervals during your busy day…… you will feel re-energized again and this energy in turn will help you become more resilient!

Do share what emotions uplifts you when you experience fatigue?


RUM? How can RUM reduce fatigue? Let me explain

My daughter is a physiotherapist. She leaves home at about 9.30 am, treats patients throughout the day and returns back home by 5.30 pm every day. During her physiotherapy sessions, she is completely focused, is actively involved with her patients and by the time she finishes with the last patient and reaches home, she is exhausted. But every day, as soon as she enters the house and sees the excitement on the face of her 10-month-old son on seeing her, all her exhaustion is gone and she is full of energy till she puts him to sleep.

So what brings about this transformation from experiencing fatigue to energy?

Please note that in this article, we are not referring to fatigue which may be caused due to various medical reasons, we are simply referring to mental fatigue which most of us experience frequently.

Dr Sood from Mayo clinic explains that when we do work which requires us to focus, our brain starts experiencing fatigue in 30 mins and is exhausted in about 90-120 mins. The consequence of brain fatigue could be a drop in our performance and while our engagement and accuracy goes down, our reaction time and mistakes go up! There is a risk of accidents and our relationships may also be affected.

And in spite of that, most of the times, we still push ourselves and keep on working. Hence naturally by evening, we are exhausted. But the moment we experience an UPLIFTING EMOTION, we are re-energized and suddenly the fatigue is gone. Like when my daughter sees her 10-month old son, her fatigue disappears and she is re-energized.

Uplifting emotions is the U in the RUM acronym which Dr Sood says helps in reducing fatigue. Some examples of such emotions could be expressing gratitude, reading something which is inspiring, meeting close friends, watching some inspiring videos or maybe doing a random act of kindness. R stands for Rest and every 90-120 mins we should take a short break, get some rest and then restart work. M stands for Motivation where we need to remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. REST mixed with UPLIFTING EMOTIONS and MOTIVATION can do wonders for us in just a few minutes.

I encourage you to sprinkle RUM at regular intervals during your busy day…… you will feel re-energized again and this energy in turn will help you become more resilient!

Do share what emotions uplifts you when you experience fatigue?


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