Does Your Mind Wander

Does Your Mind Wander

What is the biggest obstacle to being mindful & building resilience? Mind wandering. Research shows that 47% of times, our mind is wandering! Let’s look at some ways by which we can remain more in the present moment. During the day, as we go through our routine...
8 Steps to Happiness

8 Steps to Happiness

I recently completed a course on The Science of Well-Being from the Yale University. Besides clarifying many myths related to well being through research conducted at Yale, an important element of the course was the focus on #happiness. I have summarized 8 steps to...
Bring out the fighter in you…

Bring out the fighter in you…

Arunima Sinha, a national level volley ball player was pushed from a running train by thugs for refusing to hand over her gold chain. She fell on a parallel railway track and unfortunately there was another train passing on that track which ran over one of her leg....


Today, most of us are struggling with something or the other. It’s time to PAUSE. THE POWER OF A PAUSE PAUSE…..-       Makes you slow down & gives you time to reflect-       Helps you regulate your emotions & increase your EQ-       Proactively helps you build...
FEAR – A barrier to building resilience!

FEAR – A barrier to building resilience!

FEAR – A barrier to building resilience! Last month, on a Monday morning, I got up feeling feverish. My immediate thought was, what if it is covid? Immediately, there was panic & fear! I was anxious, restless and already experiencing stress.I measured my...

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