Experiencing Fatigue …. Try RUM

Experiencing Fatigue …. Try RUM

RUM? How can RUM reduce fatigue? Let me explain My daughter is a physiotherapist. She leaves home at about 9.30 am, treats patients throughout the day and returns back home by 5.30 pm every day. During her physiotherapy sessions, she is completely focused, is actively...
Set your intention & get the results you want!

Set your intention & get the results you want!

Some time back, we intended to go on a trip to Singapore. I visited a few travel websites that offered packages to Singapore. That evening on my way back, I noticed a hoarding on the highway describing the tourist attractions in Singapore. Next day morning, the paper...
Language of Victimhood Vs Language of Leadership

Language of Victimhood Vs Language of Leadership

Very often, I have noticed that leaders are not conscious of the words they use. They commonly say things like I hate that client, I am sick of traveling every day, I am scared about this, I don’t like doing this work at all, or working with this team member is very...
Speak Up!

Speak Up!

I am not able to ask questions in meetings or training sessions. By the time I think of a question, someone has already asked the same and the end result is that my participation in the meeting is nil…… I am not able to speak up in meetings or training sessions. I...

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