Set your intention & get the results you want!

Let’s extrapolate this approach of clearly setting an intention before starting our day, before starting any task, before initiating a project, before any crucial meeting or crucial conversation and you will be amazed at the positive results you will get.

Following are steps that will help you set your intention….
1.  Be present in the moment
2. Clearly articulate & set your specific intention (for the day, activity, project)
3.  Why is this important for you?
4.  Check-in from time to time… do my actions reflect my intention?
5.  IAM not, remind yourself of your intention & get back on track

So go ahead and get the results you want…… by setting your intention!

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]Have you seen the recently released movie 83? Kapil Dev keeps on repeating his INTENTION why they were here by giving only one statement in all interviews and that is “We are here to Win” Rest is history!

Let’s extrapolate this approach of clearly setting an intention before starting our day, before starting any task, before initiating a project, before any crucial meeting or crucial conversation and you will be amazed at the positive results you will get.

Following are steps that will help you set your intention….
1.  Be present in the moment
2. Clearly articulate & set your specific intention (for the day, activity, project)
3.  Why is this important for you?
4.  Check-in from time to time… do my actions reflect my intention?
5.  IAM not, remind yourself of your intention & get back on track

So go ahead and get the results you want…… by setting your intention!

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]Have you also had a similar experience? Then I recollected that I had a similar experience when I was intending to buy a new laptop too. This was an AHA! moment for me as I realized that the INTENTIONS we set for ourselves actually govern what we see in the world around us. And according to the law of attraction, what we see is actually what we are looking for.

Have you seen the recently released movie 83? Kapil Dev keeps on repeating his INTENTION why they were here by giving only one statement in all interviews and that is “We are here to Win” Rest is history!

Let’s extrapolate this approach of clearly setting an intention before starting our day, before starting any task, before initiating a project, before any crucial meeting or crucial conversation and you will be amazed at the positive results you will get.

Following are steps that will help you set your intention….
1.  Be present in the moment
2. Clearly articulate & set your specific intention (for the day, activity, project)
3.  Why is this important for you?
4.  Check-in from time to time… do my actions reflect my intention?
5.  IAM not, remind yourself of your intention & get back on track

So go ahead and get the results you want…… by setting your intention!

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]Some time back, we intended to go on a trip to Singapore. I visited a few travel websites that offered packages to Singapore. That evening on my way back, I noticed a hoarding on the highway describing the tourist attractions in Singapore. Next day morning, the paper had an article on Singapore. In the afternoon, I met a colleague who had just come back from a trip to Singapore. I was amazed to notice that ever since I started planning for our trip, I was attracting a lot of objects, people, events, and information related to Singapore! It was as if the universe was trying to help me find what I was looking for.

Have you also had a similar experience? Then I recollected that I had a similar experience when I was intending to buy a new laptop too. This was an AHA! moment for me as I realized that the INTENTIONS we set for ourselves actually govern what we see in the world around us. And according to the law of attraction, what we see is actually what we are looking for.

Have you seen the recently released movie 83? Kapil Dev keeps on repeating his INTENTION why they were here by giving only one statement in all interviews and that is “We are here to Win” Rest is history!

Let’s extrapolate this approach of clearly setting an intention before starting our day, before starting any task, before initiating a project, before any crucial meeting or crucial conversation and you will be amazed at the positive results you will get.

Following are steps that will help you set your intention….
1.  Be present in the moment
2. Clearly articulate & set your specific intention (for the day, activity, project)
3.  Why is this important for you?
4.  Check-in from time to time… do my actions reflect my intention?
5.  IAM not, remind yourself of your intention & get back on track

So go ahead and get the results you want…… by setting your intention!


Some time back, we intended to go on a trip to Singapore. I visited a few travel websites that offered packages to Singapore. That evening on my way back, I noticed a hoarding on the highway describing the tourist attractions in Singapore. Next day morning, the paper had an article on Singapore. In the afternoon, I met a colleague who had just come back from a trip to Singapore. I was amazed to notice that ever since I started planning for our trip, I was attracting a lot of objects, people, events, and information related to Singapore! It was as if the universe was trying to help me find what I was looking for.

Have you also had a similar experience? Then I recollected that I had a similar experience when I was intending to buy a new laptop too. This was an AHA! moment for me as I realized that the INTENTIONS we set for ourselves actually govern what we see in the world around us. And according to the law of attraction, what we see is actually what we are looking for.

Have you seen the recently released movie 83? Kapil Dev keeps on repeating his INTENTION why they were here by giving only one statement in all interviews and that is “We are here to Win” Rest is history!

Let’s extrapolate this approach of clearly setting an intention before starting our day, before starting any task, before initiating a project, before any crucial meeting or crucial conversation and you will be amazed at the positive results you will get.

Following are steps that will help you set your intention….
1.  Be present in the moment
2. Clearly articulate & set your specific intention (for the day, activity, project)
3.  Why is this important for you?
4.  Check-in from time to time… do my actions reflect my intention?
5.  IAM not, remind yourself of your intention & get back on track

So go ahead and get the results you want…… by setting your intention!


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