Language of Victimhood Vs Language of Leadership

Remember that you are built to be a leader, not a victim!

Be careful about the words you use. Once you get your words right, you will start noticing shifts in your energy, your focus, your momentum, your confidence, and your output. You will lift yourself to a new level of leadership.

What language do you use?

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]So rather than talk about what you hate to do, talk about what you love doing, don’t talk about problems, talk about opportunities, don’t talk about what makes you tired, talk about what makes you inspired, don’t talk about your past, talk about your future, don’t talk about what broke your heart, talk about what opened your heart, don’t talk about pain, talk about pleasure and don’t talk about things that are not working, talk about things that are working for you at this moment.

Remember that you are built to be a leader, not a victim!

Be careful about the words you use. Once you get your words right, you will start noticing shifts in your energy, your focus, your momentum, your confidence, and your output. You will lift yourself to a new level of leadership.

What language do you use?

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]We need to shift from using the language of victimhood which can take us on a downward spiral to the language of leadership which can lift us up.

So rather than talk about what you hate to do, talk about what you love doing, don’t talk about problems, talk about opportunities, don’t talk about what makes you tired, talk about what makes you inspired, don’t talk about your past, talk about your future, don’t talk about what broke your heart, talk about what opened your heart, don’t talk about pain, talk about pleasure and don’t talk about things that are not working, talk about things that are working for you at this moment.

Remember that you are built to be a leader, not a victim!

Be careful about the words you use. Once you get your words right, you will start noticing shifts in your energy, your focus, your momentum, your confidence, and your output. You will lift yourself to a new level of leadership.

What language do you use?

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]In a recent masterclass which I attended on leadership communication by many renowned speakers like Robin Sharma, Tony Robins, John Maxwell, etc., the following is important learning I picked up.

We need to shift from using the language of victimhood which can take us on a downward spiral to the language of leadership which can lift us up.

So rather than talk about what you hate to do, talk about what you love doing, don’t talk about problems, talk about opportunities, don’t talk about what makes you tired, talk about what makes you inspired, don’t talk about your past, talk about your future, don’t talk about what broke your heart, talk about what opened your heart, don’t talk about pain, talk about pleasure and don’t talk about things that are not working, talk about things that are working for you at this moment.

Remember that you are built to be a leader, not a victim!

Be careful about the words you use. Once you get your words right, you will start noticing shifts in your energy, your focus, your momentum, your confidence, and your output. You will lift yourself to a new level of leadership.

What language do you use?

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]Very often, I have noticed that leaders are not conscious of the words they use. They commonly say things like I hate that client, I am sick of traveling every day, I am scared about this, I don’t like doing this work at all, or working with this team member is very difficult for me without realizing that these words drive our behavior and can also lower our energy levels, performance & creativity.

In a recent masterclass which I attended on leadership communication by many renowned speakers like Robin Sharma, Tony Robins, John Maxwell, etc., the following is important learning I picked up.

We need to shift from using the language of victimhood which can take us on a downward spiral to the language of leadership which can lift us up.

So rather than talk about what you hate to do, talk about what you love doing, don’t talk about problems, talk about opportunities, don’t talk about what makes you tired, talk about what makes you inspired, don’t talk about your past, talk about your future, don’t talk about what broke your heart, talk about what opened your heart, don’t talk about pain, talk about pleasure and don’t talk about things that are not working, talk about things that are working for you at this moment.

Remember that you are built to be a leader, not a victim!

Be careful about the words you use. Once you get your words right, you will start noticing shifts in your energy, your focus, your momentum, your confidence, and your output. You will lift yourself to a new level of leadership.

What language do you use?


Very often, I have noticed that leaders are not conscious of the words they use. They commonly say things like I hate that client, I am sick of traveling every day, I am scared about this, I don’t like doing this work at all, or working with this team member is very difficult for me without realizing that these words drive our behavior and can also lower our energy levels, performance & creativity.

In a recent masterclass which I attended on leadership communication by many renowned speakers like Robin Sharma, Tony Robins, John Maxwell, etc., the following is important learning I picked up.

We need to shift from using the language of victimhood which can take us on a downward spiral to the language of leadership which can lift us up.

So rather than talk about what you hate to do, talk about what you love doing, don’t talk about problems, talk about opportunities, don’t talk about what makes you tired, talk about what makes you inspired, don’t talk about your past, talk about your future, don’t talk about what broke your heart, talk about what opened your heart, don’t talk about pain, talk about pleasure and don’t talk about things that are not working, talk about things that are working for you at this moment.

Remember that you are built to be a leader, not a victim!

Be careful about the words you use. Once you get your words right, you will start noticing shifts in your energy, your focus, your momentum, your confidence, and your output. You will lift yourself to a new level of leadership.

What language do you use?


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